Compassion and Encouragement

Compassion and encouragement

Yesterday we rested in the “Father of Compassion and God of all encouragement” 2 Cor 1:3, and the question today is this: Can we be models like the great cloud of witnesses before us, the saints in Faith, Hope, and Love?

Years ago I thought of this question and my answer… years ago, was sure, for those people whom I love but never mind the ones whom I didn’t love, who had hurt me one way or another in small things and big things. Then I met Father Duffy, a man who was a great example of Faith, Hope and Love for all. He quickly challenged me to pray for those whom I didn’t want to. Of course, I thought whatever, that may work for you because you are a priest, but for me not so much. That, my friends, is relativism – what is good for you doesn’t have to be good for me, and vice versa. A poison that can quickly take over the soul and rid of compassion and encouragement towards others.

In Mt 11:28 Christ says, “Come to me, all who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” He doesn’t say come to me only those of you who have been good to me. He calls us all; but of course we are given free will. So we are the ones that choose.

What will your choice be? Will you have compassion and Encouragement for those around you? Not an easy task but satisfying when you can say, yes… I tried and it was successful. So how did I begin to show compassion and encouragement for those who God placed in and out of my day? I focused on hearing God’s call to me “to come” and that reminded me that He calls us all, and that the sun shines on us all, and the rain pours on us all. None of us are excluded. With those reminders in place, I began to refocus myself on HIM.

Secondly, Father Duffy’s memorable advice was to find one thing small or big that you can appreciate or like about that person. As silly as this sounds, one of the things I liked about someone was that they had clean hygiene. Simple but true; I appreciated it. He also advised me to seek counsel from someone who exemplified great virtues, someone who was open to the Holy Spirit, who had Faith in God, who had Hope in God and Love in God. That beautiful Lady was Mary the Mother of Jesus.

I encourage you, on this First Saturday of the Month, to ask Mary for help. So that through her prayers for you, you can find your one thing about those who drive you batty and can spread the sun rays of compassion and encouragement. We never know what the people around us are going through, so spread some cheer today. Remember God calls us all to be saints! May we receive a blessing from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings we have come for refuge. Amen (Ru 2:12)

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