The Song

The Song

Daily Readings:

  • Genesis 2:4b-9, 15-17
  • Psalm 104
  • Gospel Mark 7:14-23

Music has a way to grab the soul and connect to the emotions in our heart. Tonight as I was driving to Mass, I heard the song “Truth Be Told” by Matthew West. It is a rather sad song about truth about how we tend to hide our emotions for one reason or another. We run instead of stopping and dealing with the cause of the emotions.

Truth at times can be dark, and no one wants to admit that darkness. How can our hearts be open to the Lord? We must speak truth and not be afraid of the consequences. I was that person at one time, always worried about what people thought of me. I was always fine, good, and great! Until one day I could not pretend anymore.

I was driving down an old dirt road where rows and rows of cotton grow. I remember hearing a song by Reba McIntire, “Is There Life Out There” and with the windows down, sun gleaming in, I was young and wondering the same thing – is there life out there?

Truth be told, there is!! When we get out of ourselves and into what God wills for us. When we tend to the graces He gives us. In today’s readings, God created man, and He created him to not defile the Earth or himself, but to take care of all that God has created and given. We are given so many graces in life and in the Gospel reading of today Jesus tells us that we defile our heart when we allow our hearts to become unclean. When we listen to the thoughts that drive us away from Him and into the world, when we store in our “heart, evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile” says the Lord.

So what do we do with the graces God has given so freely? We care for them! And, we call out to Jesus when this world overshadows all that has been given. I love the song “Lord, I Need You” by Matt Maher. It truly sings to the soul; the soul that speaks truth that we need the Lord! Another great song that comes to mind is “At The Cross” by Chris Tomlin – what do we do with all that defiles our heart and the things that keep us from who God created us to be? We lay it at the cross and owe all to Jesus, He who saves us from the world and ourselves.

At the cross is where we find hope, peace, and love. At the cross is where we find the Risen Christ. Then and only then at the foot of the cross, our life out there begins in Christ Jesus, in the Eucharist! My prayer for you tonight is this: “May Christ dwell in our hearts through faith, and may charity be the root and foundation of our life. Amen.” Eph 3:17

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