The Journey

The Journey

Hello, it has been a while since I last wrote. On many occasions, I have sat at these keys trying to figure out what to say. Last time I wrote, I asked if you and I were going to answer God’s call. Then my life and my family’s life stopped; the unthinkable happened. My sister lost her son, and we as a family lost a brother, a grandson, a nephew, and a cousin.

For months I have been trying to do just that – answer God’s call in the midst of sadness, healing, joy in the everyday wonderful God-filled moments of life. One of my greatest memories of my nephew is that from the moment I met him, his eyes just captured my heart, and every time we met he would say, “Aunt Veronica, will you be my master?” With a little lisp like the first time he asked me when he was four years old.

You see, when he found out that I had taken Taekwondo, he was all over the thought of me doing something in his little eyes that was so cool. Little did I know these last few months, I would be asking Caleb to be my master, as reminder of funnier moments in my life. There were times he was busy and I was busy, and so I didn’t get to always see him. I just pray that he felt in my hugs, how proud of him I was.

I heard a beautiful song by Cody Johnson the other day called “Until You Can’t.” I believe these three words are packed with so much wisdom! My advice to you is this: know God, who He is, how He loves you, know how even when your world is crumbling right before your eyes, HE is there! Know Him, because before you know it, the hour will have come. Hug the ones you love, tell them how proud of them you are, until you can’t!

The day before my nephew’s accident, I got to see him briefly, and I remember our hug so vividly. He had just gotten off work as a welder, and he was so dirty. I had asked him for a hug, and he said, “Aunt Veronica, I am so dirty!” I told him that didn’t matter to me, and we hugged. So always lend yourself, until you can’t.

During this time where we are preparing for the birth of Christ, I pray that you will be present, be open, be prepared, be ready. Christ wishes to rest upon your heart, and he can’t do that if you are not there and are not willing. He doesn’t care if you are clean or dirty, HE just wants you!! So don’t wait until it is too late – open yourself, Christ is coming!!

“Be strong, fear not” Isaiah 35:4

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