
“I love the t-shirts of Farming Faith.  To be reminded of Obeying Christ Daily is what I am to be doing is awesome.  I enjoy the Scripture shirts as well, they help me stay focused that I should not fear anything because God is with me, Psalm 27:1.”

— Jane

“My Farming Faith shirt is amazingly soft and comfortable. I love the constant reminder to Obey Christ Daily! Veronica and Farming Faith have been a true blessing in my life.”

— Julie

Love my Farming Faith hat + T-shirt collection! A visible reminder that Christ is with me everywhere I go! It has also been a great way to engage with strangers, when I am out. It is a symbol of my belief and gives a great opportunity to talk about GOD!

— Eric

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Letting Go

No matter where you are in life, letting go is never easy at any age. So, where do you start? You start by realizing that you are not the only one whom the Lord is calling to let go of your bondages that keep you from Him! You’re not alone. For thousands of years everyone…


The Journey

Hello, it has been a while since I last wrote. On many occasions, I have sat at these keys trying to figure out what to say. Last time I wrote, I asked if you and I were going to answer God’s call. Then my life and my family’s life stopped; the unthinkable happened. My sister…


God Is Calling… Are You Going to Answer?

Today’s readings: Isaiah 49:1-6 Acts of the Apostles 13:22-26 Luke 1:57-66, 80 God is calling; are you going to answer? How often do we miss the opportunities of serving God in others because we miss the call. We don’t understand what is right before our eyes. So often we miss this very important understanding of…


Salt & Light

Rest. Salt. Light. All very much needed! Too often we have a hard time resting and we may feel as if we are just spinning in circles. I know for me I feel as if I sometimes don’t get any rest. However, the rest I seek is different than the rest God wants from me…


Give it away…

On this Holy Monday, I have sat and looked back at my journey through lent. The preparation of cleansing my temple, my soul for Christ and Christ alone, to Imitate Him. The first few weeks were challenging, and after overcoming the challenges of denying myself of my wants and my needs and learning to set…


To Lift Up the Soul

To lift up the soul…think about this for a moment. Think about lifting your soul. Where would you lift it? For us Christians, we lift our souls up to God. We look to Jesus to show us how to bear our crosses. We walk listening to God through the prophets and listening to Him in…



Peace. What does it mean to have peace? The quote from St. Francis de Sales, “Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace, for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset” reminds me to slow down before becoming anxious when a cross…


A Drop Is Sometimes Nothing by Itself

In the Diary of St. Faustina (no. 686) she makes a statement: “How can a drop stop a wave: O yes! A drop is nothing by itself, but with You, Jesus, I shall stand up bravely to the whole wave of evil.” How many times have we felt this way? Like, what can I do?…


The Cries

In today’s first reading, Isaiah 58:1-9, we hear the Lord say to us to not allow our fasting to be empty. What good does it do to fast and be impatient, quarreling with everyone we meet, holding on to hurts from others or perhaps just the ones we love? They, the ones we love, are…


Taking Up Our Cross

In today’s Gospel, Luke 9:22-25, Jesus tells his disciples and us that he must suffer. He tells us, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my…


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